Friday, April 23, 2010

Be careful facebook members

This lady is an avid facebook lady not until she met a man at facebook and this is what he did to her.


AT&T is big scam carrier, i am a victim of this company and there are other out there that don't know where and who will help them with their shittuation with this iligitimate company. AT&T calims they have roll overs, well when i ask them about my roll over in the first month of by bill when i was still with them this lady rep just look at me so stun that she called her supervisor because her reply to me is, '' what is a roll over minutes ? '' and from then AT&T add to their policy the roll over. The 3G is where they ( AT&T ) scared me so bad that i immediately took them to the consumers affairs and AT&T did admit that they failed to their services and charges me every month for nothing, that is a SCAM on my face. There are people met that switched from AT&T to dif'rent company, there are people i saw arguing with sales rep inside the AT&T's stores, i even talj to some that they want to complain against AT&T but they don't know where to go and whom to complain. I blog this not to cloud your mind or judgment in whom ever you want to get your phone and computer carrier, i just want to have this as a red flag i wave that i might be a help.